Monday 21 July 2014

2015 standard 1 placement / 2015 一年级 : 证实学位

Semakan Kemasukan Murid Tahun Satu Sesi 2015
Confirmation of student placement 2015
2015 适龄儿童证实学位

register at school office: ( Tel: 03 56351333)
date/ time:    4/8/2014 - 30/8/2014  (8am to 12pm)

Document Required:
1. original birth cert 正本出生纸 
2. online approval letter 上网批准信

Semakan status permohonan secara online :

Saturday 19 July 2014

PIBG SJK(C) LICK HUNG (PIBG LH ) important announcement-update

Further to my announcement on 23 June 2014 , it is with regret that I have had to file proceedings in the Sessions Court in Shah Alam against a number of parties; in order to  seek information pertaining to several PIBG LH accounts that were not disclosed to me  since becoming YDP as well as other related reliefs/remedies.

While my action to pursue this matter in court may appear to be somewhat drastic, this has been forced upon me due to the lack of response from the relevant parties as well as   an open letter from a senior staff denouncing my action to seek clarification regarding these accounts. I urge teachers and parents not to circulate this letter as it contains libelous remarks which may become the subject of further legal proceedings.

Now that these issues are before the Sessions Court, it is inappropriate for any party to comment publicly about the specifics of these proceedings. For anyone who is interested in the constitution of a standard PIBG, you can click on this link to download {PERLEMBAGAAN PERSATUAN IBU BAPA-GURU ( PIBG )}

In the mean time, I recommend parents continue to pay PIBG LH with cheques or to get a receipt if you pay by cash whenever possible.

I have issued a directive to the relevant office holders requesting all monies received by PIBG LH to be deposited into the official account with Hong Leong and all payments should likewise be made from Hong Leong. PIBG LH should be able to carry out its normal financial and administrative functions and teachers can be assured that   all tuition fees which are due and payable will be paid as per normal. I will also be available to sign cheques and will continue to carry out my function as YDP.

Thank you very much

Ken Koo

17 /07/ 2014

Friday 18 July 2014

KSSR (小学课程標准)

English Version:   (scroll down for mandarin version 中文版 ) 

KSSR aims to produce students balanced in the aspect of intellectual, spiritual, emotional, physical and social; and in turns, produce responsible citizens, global players and knowledgeable employees.
KSSR curriculum is organized in two stages with the objective to master, strengthen and apply the 4 main skills (4M), which are: writing (menulis), counting (mengira), reading (membaca) and reasoning (menaakul). The reasoning skill is newly added in KSSR. Therefore, when comparing with students under KBSR system, one can see the difference where KBSR students write more, KSSR students are encouraged to think and speak more.
PBS, a holistic assessment in line with KSSR is introduced. It is optimized to assess both academic and non-academic perspective of a student.
The objective of PBS is to:
- get an overview of the potential of the individual
- monitor growth and help boost the potential of individual
- provide meaningful reporting of individual learning.

There are school level assessment (pentaksiran sekolah) and national/central assessment (pentaksiran pusat).
School level assessment is designed, built, administered, examined, recorded and reported by teachers in schools. Example of assessment instruments that can be used are worksheet, observation, oral responses, training in exercise books or workbooks, quiz, checklists, reporting assignments, homework and tests.
For central assessment, it is based on assignment and marking scheme issued by Examination Board.
Teachers are given autonomy to carry out formative assessment (assessment conducted during the learning process )  or summative assessment (assessment conducted at the end of the learning unit or  at the end of the year).
In PBS, student achievement is reported based on the Band.
Know, understand, can do with exemplary
Know, understand, can do with ‘terpuji’
Know, understand, can do with ‘beradab’
Know, understand, can do
Know, understand
Band 3 can be equivalent to a passing grade. Therefore teachers need to devise activities to help students achieve a minimum of band 3.

Frequently asked Questions:
1.       What is LH”s approach to KSSR ?
Based on the dialogue on 4/07/14, LH is likely to maintain the  4 exams per year. The support for retaining the regular exam is strong both from the teachers and parents . The  4 exams train the students to be “battle hardened “ throughout the year and parents have a better idea of how their children are performing on a regular basis.
The exams will remain the core component of the assessment. Overtime, the exam questions will  be modified  to allow the children to express themselves/answer questions in a more flexible way   and  to enable teachers to assess the children’s capability based on the 6 prescribed band. For instance- a year one child may write a sentence with a drawing or combining different languages to express himself . There is no simple right or wrong answer . This will require a more subjective approach to marking .
This is still at a very early stage of implementation. Apart from lack of clear policy guidelines , the Ministry is also short of trained inspectors /tutors to guide the teachers.
2.       What is LH doing to train the teachers?
A number of  senior teachers are  attending  courses and they in turn will share their knowledge with other teachers . This is an on –going process.  One of the issues is having to be consistent with the marking process now that  teachers have to be more flexible with marking the answers . There is no easy answer but LH is trying its best . Given LH’s past track records , there is no reason why LH will not thrive under the new system.

3.       What is been done to educate parents about KSSR
Parents are generally quite well  informed   . Many have checked MOE website to get updates on KSSR . This type of dialogue will be another avenue for parents and teachers to exchange views and ideals . LH will continue to hold more seminars and provide information to parents when it is appropriate.


This article is contributed by the newly formed Parents Academic Research Team (PART)  in consultation with a number of experts and teachers. The views expressed here are merely  summary of points BUT they do not represent the official position of LH or any particular individuals . If anyone has any query , we suggest you contact the school management or check with 

Chinese Version:
KSSR (小学课程標)的目的是要培育学生在智力,精神,情感,生理和社交方面的能力达到平衡;从而培育出负责任的公民及世界顶尖的人力资源。
课程是分为两个阶段;第一阶段 (一至三年级)为“掌握”, 第二阶段(四至六年级)为“巩固和运用”4个主要技能(4M),它们分别是:写作(menulis),计数(mengira),阅读(membaca)和推理(menaakul)。推理技能是在KSSR新增的主题。 KSSR互相比较KBSR,我们可以看到KBSR的学生会有注重书写锻炼,KSSR 却鼓励学生努力理性思考和注重表达能力。

PBS(校本评估) 是配合KSSR而进行的整体判断的教学评以鉴定学生的学术和非学术水平。

教学评量分两级:学内评估(pentaksiran sekolah 国家/评估中心(pentaksiran PUSAT)。
1 “校内评估” pentaksiran sekolah)办校内老师负责 设计,建造,管理,检查,记录及报告进程。评估方法多元化,可运用工作表,观察,口试,培训练习簿或工作簿,测验,检查单,报告作业,家庭作业和测验。
。“中央评估” pentaksiran PUSAT)。是依据 考试委员会设定的作业和试卷评分。

标准 Standard


Sunday 6 July 2014

Meet the Teachers day/ Report card day

6  July 2014

Dear Parents
The turnout was excellent despite a rather short notice and on a busy Friday 4 July 2014 morning. I saw many parents waiting patiently for their turn  and some classes  with queues of more than 10. Teachers did their best but classes had to continue leading to some meetings taking place at one end of the classroom while teaching continued at the other end.

The highlight of the day was the teachers /parents dialogue held at the auditorium from 10 am. It was a very lively and informative session  with multiple questions from the  floor and in depth answers from the panel especially  Deputy HM Madam Say.

Some of the questions raised were- (Q: question   A: Answer)

Q1 : Lack of or late notice for events
A1 : Switching  of computer system and maintenance vendor leading to delays in issuing notices. (Answered by teacher Wong)

Q2: Why most activities have to pay fees-
i)                 Need to engage professional coaches such as fencing , badminton etc
ii)                Extracurricular activities for standard 1 to 3 are technically optional so fees are payable
iii)               From standard 4, students are required to participate in at least one extracurricular activity  so the school provides some activities at no fee
iv)               Being a SJKC,  we need some contributions from the parents.

Q3: What is LH’s mission statement in light of the implementation of KSSR? Please explain the performance indicators  of the 6 bands?
A3:Writers note-It is rather difficult to give a fair and  accurate summary  of Deputy Madam.Say’s insightful and in- depth  explanation of what LH is doing to prepare for the  school based assessment  policy .I will try to prepare a more thorough report once our Parents Academic Research Team (PART)   has had the opportunity of discussing with Dep Madam Say and other teachers in charge of the program

Q4: Why is tuition compulsory
A4: Paraphrase Madam Loke- LH has the best tuition method. Some of the external tuition centers are not up to date with the best tuition practices being conducted in LH .
A4: My response- LH has good academic track records, the teachers are experienced and they do deliver based on the previous academic results of the school. Parents should likewise take a keen interest in the contents of the tuition classes to ensure that they do not become an extension of the normal classes. Tuition cannot be compulsory.

Q5: Why do Standard 6 students have to attend Saturday tuition classes?
A5: Saturday tuition is to allow more time to concentrate on Sekolah Kebangsaan BM papers .With a BM pass, students will not have to sit for Remove class. And students are more prepared when attending secondary school at SMK
Given the lively exchanges and constructive questions and responsive replies, parents were generally pleased with the dialogue.   

I certainly hope that there will be more similar events in the future for parents to understand LH’s teaching  philosophy and mission statements. Deputy Say said she would be happy to engage with parents on a regular basis to update/explain the academic programs of  LH.

Earlier, I have mentioned that we have a Parent Academic Research Team which was formed by a number of parents who have experience in primary and secondary education sectors as well as keen interests in a more  holistic education system. If anyone is interested to know more about PART, please drop me a line.
Again , a big THANK YOU  to all the parents and staff who participated in the Parents and Teachers dialogue.

Happy Parenting
Ken Koo

Thursday 3 July 2014

Report card day : Tips for Parents

This Friday "report card pickup day" is a great way to understand your child’s school performance with his or her teacher. Parents should use this time to:
  • Visit your child’s classroom.
  • Talk with your child’s teacher(s) about how he or she is doing in school.
  • Meet with your child’s friends and other parents
  • Understand your child's learning environment
  • Learn whether or not your child is on track in his or her grade level and discuss any academic interventions that can be put into place.  

  Your child learning environment is instrumental to his/her success in school
  Dr. Danial Goleman

Tips for Parents (Report Card Day) . . .

  •  If the result is below your expectation, be careful not to allow your negative emotions destroy your child’s enthusiasm about school.
  • If you are shocked by your child’s report card, carefully assess the reasons; focus on how to help your child.
  • Talk with your child soon after the report card day. First focus on where your child did well. Point out your child’s strengths. Then ask your child about the areas where he didn’t do as well and set exciting goals for the next school term
  • Don’t take up too much of teachers’ time on the report card day. If you need more than 15 to 20 min, make an appointment with the teacher to meet up on a later date.

Parents with lower primary children  (Std 1 - 2)
  • Focus on character building. Pay attention to your child’s character, behavior, and social skills as well as academic skills. Ask the teacher how your child is developing socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.
  • Kids with strong social and emotional skills often have better academic skills and likely to be more successful in life.
  • For standard one parents, ask the teacher how’s your child cope with teachers’ instructions, does your child understand the language used in class, and what you can do to support the teachers. (there is no report card for Std 1 on this Friday. Just to meet with teachers)

Short 2 min video from Dr. Danial Goleman

Parents with upper primary children (Std 3 - 6)

  • Children at this age are often faced with dropping grades, focus on more study skills to do well academically but do not undermine their emotional state.
  • If your child is struggling in a class, don’t take up too much time from teacher trying to come out with solutions on that day. Set up a teacher-parent meeting as soon as possible.
  •  Let your child understand although grades are not everything but they do matter. Explain to them high schools and universities consider grades in accepting new students and a good education is important in life.
  • Don’t let your child disengage in school. Regardless of the academic result it’s important to keep your kids interested and enthusiastic about school.

No matter what kind of marks your child receives on report-card day, look at it as given a chance to help your child. Focus on achievements, and hopefully you child will look forward to this day in the next school term

P/S: If you can't attend this Friday report card day, your kid will bring it home on Monday.